Akashic Record Reader, Animal Communicator & Intuitive Shamanic Practitioner

This class is for everyone who has an interest in Chakras - be it the beginner or practitioner!
This 12-hour class comes with a 100+ page manual, crystals to work with, a journal and an assortment of other goodies. While the focus is on Chakras, you will learn about many associated aspects of healing, including using a pendulum, crystal gridding and ceremonial healing. This is a great opportunity for hands-on work where you will explore your own chakras through a series of fun interactive, activities that can be adjusted slightly for each Chakra so that when you complete the class, you will have several methods to work with each Chakra in the future!
Chakra with Tools

Introduction to Shamanism

This class will take only a couple of hours of your time but will include a great deal of learning if you are interested in the practices of the Q’ero Shaman. Among the topics we will cover are: Spirit Water, Rattle, Mesa, Drums and the History and Cosmology of the Q’ero people including their Medicine Wheel.
It is advisable to take this introductory class if you want to take the more in-depth, Chakra Healing Through Shamanic Practices course, as this will give you a foundation from which to work.
Chakra Healing through Shamanic Practices

During this course, you will take a deep dive into our Chakras! You will work through 20+ activities to help you clear, balance and heal each one of your Chakras. These activities include both guided work and independent study/activities. During this course, you will learn to work with Mother Earth’s energy and will go on several journeys to discover your sacred animals, place of power, and complete a soul retrieval as well as working with your ancestors.
This course includes a manual and you will begin collecting items to create your personal Mesa. This is a challenging class that encourages you to focus on self and some shadow aspects as well, but you will have support throughout to help you step more fully into the light of your own soul.
Understanding Munay-Ki

I will be offering a class series on the Munay-Ki which will include the passing of the nine rites of initiation from the medicine people of the Americas. The term “Munay Ki” comes from a Quechua word that means ‘I love you’ or, ‘Be as thou art’. These energetic transmissions are part of the evolution of mankind as luminous beings. This is an ancient and sacred path of spiritual initiation, of which the teachings have been transmitted by oral tradition through a lineage of mentor and initiates for thousands of years. Teachings to understand each of the nine Rites and the initiation of each Rite will be given as part of this class series through lecture, journey, meditation, personal experience and reflection. This class will be run over several weeks so that you have the opportunity to fully integrate each Rite.
This course will assist you in deepening your spiritual knowledge, honouring the interconnectedness of all creation, and connecting with ancient wisdom and a lineage of healers as you receive each of the Rites.

Akashic Package for Two
I have been guide to offer a series of sessions in your Akashic Records which require a partner, as each of you will explore specific areas in your records and act as a support system for the other person. Specifically, your Akashic sessions will include working on these five emotionally centred areas: fear, anger, anxiety, grief and guilt.
The Akashic Records hold a wonderful learning and healing environment, which can help you to release those areas that are no longer of service; and the guidance received from your Records will open up new doors while supporting you from the spirit realm.
You must be committed to doing the self-work through the three-month period that your 5 sessions will take place.
Spiritual Understandings and Intuitive Development for Youth

This group meet-up (online) is for anyone aged 13-18. It is a safe and encouraging environment for like-minded teens to gain knowledge and understanding of their emerging intuitive gifts and abilities. There will be book discussions, shared knowledge of energy and healing arts, and valuable insights into their connection with nature including, crystals and animals.
Youth will be supported and encouraged to follow their individual blueprint and live an authentic life!
Class fees and availability vary. Contact me for more information.
All classes are strictly for spiritual education and informational purposes.
Please consult with a mental health professional or medical doctors for any serious medical or mental health issues.