Akashic Record Reader, Animal Communicator & Intuitive Shamanic Practitioner

Journey Through the Wheel of the Year
Unraveling the Mystical Harmony between the Wheel of the Year and the Year of the Dragon in this Transformative Course.
Friday evenings ( Mar 22, Apr 26, Jun 21, Aug 2, Sept 20, Nov 1, Dec 22)

Join me in The Journey through the Wheel of the Year, a transformative experience inviting you to weave magic into the fabric of your year. Are you ready to embrace the wisdom held within the celestial cycles? Together, we will immerse ourselves in in-depth discussions, peeling back the layers of profound meaning and ancient lore woven into each celebration. As we explore the intricate connections between foods, plants, crystals, colors, and animals, we'll unlock insights that amplify the spiritual significance of each moment on the Wheel. This journey is an opportunity to craft a harmonious tapestry of energies, infusing your celebrations with magic and resonating with the essence of the natural world. Are you ready to embark on this enriching adventure and deepen your connection to the transformative power of the Wheel of the Year?
What you can expect in this course:
Course Payment Options

Walking the Wheel of the Dragon Energy
Join this four-session course and explore the profound meanings and correspondences of each Wheel of the Year celebration while uncovering the mystical connection to the Year of the Dragon. Immerse yourself in transformative insights and deepen your bond with the magic of the seasons, one session at a time.
March, June, Sept, Dec.
(times to be announced)
$30 per session (drop-in fee).
Walking the Wheel of the Dragon Energy
Special offer
Secure your spot with this special offer and Immerse yourself in the transformative magic of the Wheel of the Year, exploring profound meanings and mystical connections to the Year of the Dragon. Sign up in advance to unlock a comprehensive journey at a discounted rate, deepening your understanding and connection to the magical energies shaping each season.
March, June, Sept, Dec.
(times to be announced)
$100 for all four sessions.
The Journey of the Wheel Year
This full course will provide you with instant downloads and packages with bonus materials like personal rituals and Oracle card layouts. Explore the meaning and lore, correspondences, and altar ideas, with in-class bonuses including card pulls, guided journeys, and a special focus on dragon energy. There are 8 Zoom meetings -
Friday evenings (Feb 2, Mar 22, Apr 26, Jun 21, Aug 2, Sept 20, Nov 1, Dec 22) - about 6 weeks apart.
Cost: $260