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  • Part V: How will the Akashic Records help me?

    The many notes made on Cayce’s readings strongly suggest we are writing the story of our lives on a daily basis. This occurs though our thoughts, words, actions, and of course through our interactions with all of those around us. Knowing how each of these areas impacts us daily can legitimately indicate that these same things from our past could conceivably impact our current lives as well. It appears to me that gaining this knowledge would provide us with insights into who we are on a much deeper scale then we can comprehend. If we want to delve a little deeper into what that means – well it really does mean different things for each person because we are all in our own individual place of soul development and personal identity, however, one that that we are all a part of is the universal consciousness. The Records can help you with your personal growth and raise the level of your consciousness. If you are still reading this, you likely realize that you are a physical body learning to live a spiritual existence. Accessing the records can help you gain a better understanding of many areas of your life including why you are here – or your life’s purpose. Using the records shows us how we have become who we are currently and enables us to get support from our MTLO’s to gain a better understanding of where we are going on this current life path. (We will go into a bit more details about how the records can specifically help you in a future post, so stay tuned!) Personally, the biggest, most important lessons I have received from the Akashic Records have come with the understanding that each one of us are connected to each other. The Records hold all the information that has impacted and created, not just us personally but the “us” of the global world. I have had huge insights from the records and received guidance beyond what I believed possible. The records have guided me into deeper connections with others and knowing and loving myself. Our MTLO’s are there to guide us, teach us and help us grow into the best spiritual beings that we can be as we live through our current physical embodiment. I truly believe using the Akashic Records to gain knowledge can be one of the biggest assets to have in your spiritual toolbox! #sheCARES #akashicrecords #oneness

  • Selenite or Satin Spar?

    Today I want to tell you about Selenite – not only because it has a lot of awesome properties but because it is one of the most confused crystal minerals in the metaphysical world! Much of the time, what is commonly called Selenite has been confused with another similar crystal called Satin Spar. Even though they are both a form of gypsum, they crystalize quite differently and that is how they become Selenite or Satin Spar. (By the way, these are not the only two gypsum based crystals – Desert Rose and Gypsum Flower are also part of this family of stones.) Selenite is the more famous of the two names, but these crystals are more difficult to find than Satin Spar. The difference is that Selenite forms in large flat, transparent crystals - often called “plates” or “windows”. They can flake apart rather easily because they have very thin sheets – which is also what makes them much clearer than Satin Spar. Here is what true Selenite looks like: Satin Spar is the crystal that most people are familiar with, and this is what most of the metaphysical world calls Selenite. While Selenite is very clear, Satin Spar crystals are more fibrous and much more opaque which makes them great “lamps”, or allows the light to illuminate them if sitting on a light stand. They have a fiber optic property that allows light to pass through them easily, creating a warming glow. Here are some examples of Satin Spar crystals to help you full recognize the difference between Satin Spar and Selenite (above): Delicate Desert Rose formations, have grains of sand in the gypsum. They can grow in single "roses", or larger clusters. Gypsum Flowers and Desert Roses are similar in shape, but while the Desert Roses look very much like a rose with petals, the Gypsum Flowers are slightly less structured and have a wider variety of shapes and sizes. Selenite is named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. The Greeks appreciated the beauty of selenite, even making windows with the stone. Gypsum is located throughout the world, but much of it is found in Mexico, Poland, Russia, Greece, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and the United States. In Mexico, a well-known mine, called the Naica in Chihuahua, studies Selenite and Satin Spar. This mine is home to a magnificent cavern filled with these white crystals. About 300 meters below the surface, Selenite forms in enormous crystals the size of telephone poles or redwood trees. As well, in the Unites States, Utah is known for its high quality Selenite plates. Gypsum has been valued since as far back as the Egyptians where it was used for decorative purposes. In Rome, for example, the Santa Sabina church’s large arched windows are made of sheets of selenite. After large amounts of gypsum were found near Paris, France, a material you will know as “Plaster of Paris” was developed. Plaster of Paris is gypsum that has been chemically altered and has the water removed. (For the remainder of this article I will refer to Gypsum –referring to Selenite and Satin Spar) Gypsum is a must have if you do any energy work or work with crystals at all. These are several reasons for this: 1. These stones have a very high vibration. That means they give us tons of energy, uplifting us and helping us to attain an elevated state. This does not only affect people and animals, but inanimate objects in the vicinity as well, which is a good thing for your nearby crystals! 2. Gypsum can be used to clear away negative/heavy energies from people during healing sessions by running a wand up and down near the body (in the auric layers). It can also be used to clear away any debris other crystals have absorbed. A Selenite or Satin Spar plate can be used to clear and recharge our stones simply by placing them on or nearby the plate. 3. Since this stone is such high vibration, it is helpful when doing meditation, breath work, reiki, yoga and even cord-cutting. Holding a gypsum based crystal on your chest (heart) to breathe deeper and raise your energetic vibration. For Reiki, use a wand initially to clear away negativity from your client’s body, then at the end of the session, place a small stone on each chakra to balance and align as well as give a sense of calmness and happiness to your client before closing your session. 4. Being a stone of protection (especially mental), gypsum helps remove limiting beliefs, and helps the person holding it be honest with themselves. 5. Associated with the crown and third eye chakras, gypsum can be used to assist in finding mental clarity and creating a powerful environment to work with these chakras. Using Gypsum with the Crown, you can wash away impurities of the mind such as heavy thoughts, negative memories and mental blockages. Gypsum has a Divine Feminine energy, encouraging moon-ology. Selene, the moon goddess, loves to wear a crown of the crescent moon itself on her head, and its pure white light lifts us up when we are facing any of life’s darkness. This stone is also connected to the angelic realm, and can assist when working with Angels. 6. In the physical body, it can help relieve insomnia, as well as be especially useful for people who are suffering from chronic illness or erratic emotions. Examples where this stone may be helpful include chronic pain syndrome, chronic fatigue, skin disorders, back or other chronic pain. It assists in restoring balance and helps gain insight as to the root cause of a specific condition. It is thought to guard against epileptic seizures and is an excellent crystal for breastfeeding/nurturing a child. In terms of care of Gypsum – it energetically cleans and charges itself so there is no need for you to do anything about that. However, since it is a soft stone, you want to take care when handing it. Do your best to keep jewelry pieces in soft bags and away from stones that might cause damage. Since Gypsum is water soluble, if possible avoid having it come in contact with water and other water based liquids. As well, you will want to keep Selenite away from direct sunlight as this may decrease its luster. As always I hope you find this information useful, and remember, never take this as medical advice – always seek professional assistance when needed. Thanks for reading! #sheCARES #crystalsrock #selenite

  • Part IV: Who the heck are the MTLO’s?

    In Linda’s methodology of accessing the Records, there are entities who help us she refers to as the MTLO’s for short. This stands for Master, Teachers, and Loved Ones. This is the group of Record Keepers that hold your Records and help you access them as well as offer advice, information, and guidance in any areas that you request. I refer to them as my Spiritual Team – a little different from my Guides that I also talk about, but sometimes I include them all together as they are all providing information and guidance, just in different ways! To be honest, I find that my own MTLO’s and those of the people who come to me for readings, are very straight forward. They will give information in a way that is upfront. I find that they are working with me to help me make the best choices and decisions possible while in this body. I absolutely know they love me and have my best life in mind when they provide me with information – even when it is something I don’t “want” to hear! This group is like having a set of Spiritual Guides and mentors who want you to have the information you require so that you can make the best possible decisions! #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Hag Stones....

    I wanted to do an article about Hag Stones because they're so interesting to me but also because I thought the timing of the year was right to talk about them and share a bit of information about them. Hag Stones go by many other names including: Holy Stones, Holey Stones, Odin’s Stone, Wish Stones. Witch Riding Stones, Fairy Stones, Adder Stones and Nightmare Stones! These stones are very powerful and even though they look very simple - a stone with a hole in it - they carry a very magical, spiritual connection that deals with ancient ways and are especially in tune with those connected to Nature spirits. Most Hag Stones are made of flint. There is nothing that says a piece of limestone or sandstone with a natural hole is not a Hag Stone, however, most commonly Hag Stones are flint as this is the type of rock that is predominant throughout European waterways where a lot of the Hag Stone lore occurs. Having a Hag Stone is about the essence of a stone with a hole made by nature - a hole that has been worn out during a long stretch of time. Another of the names is the Adder Stone. It's called that because they are believed to protect one from the adder snake bites. A Germanic Legend suggests that the outer stones are formed when serpents get together and they use their venom to create holes in the center of the stones. Throughout history they have had many uses and are connected to many different beliefs - but before I get to that I want to give you a bit of information about the term “hag stone”. Factual term hag Stone songs from the believe that most illnesses or many illnesses were caused by Spectral hags, more commonly known as witches. these stones have been used worldwide for Centuries by witches in rituals and in spell work, interesting leave they have also been used to counteract which is Magic. Many Legends and folklore about this Stone suggest that it can be used to ward off curses, illnesses and nightmares. In case you've never seen a Hag Stone, they are a stone that has one or even a few - small holes - running through it. They are usually found in streams, along river beds, and at the sea where the running water has created the holes. Folklore suggests that you are better off to find your own, rather than purchase one; however, if you are gifted one from someone who loves you, the magic will remain intact. Given their connection to water, it is no surprise that a long-held belief is that magic cannot work with running water and so the stones being tunneled by the force of this element make them retain the quality of washing away negativity, thereby acting as a protective amulet. Back in the medieval times when there was much sorcery, these stones were often hung on a key or a door or even in the center of the livestock stalls as a prevention so that the animals were not bewitched or being ridden on the Sabbath by the witches. (Witches were often to blame when a cow produced bad milk or when hens refused to lay eggs.) In some places around Europe, especially in Britain, these Stones were tied to the bows of boats in order to encourage the crew to have a safe journey and to act as a protective talisman, as this was believed to keep away evil spirits and also from any spells that might affect their catch. In addition, there is a belief that Hag Stones were often used for Weather magic and could assist the bearer in controlling the wind and the rain. It is thought that a cord could be threaded through the hole and then the stone was swirled around the head being held out at arms length to dispel bad weather. Being also called a Fairy Stone, it is believed these stones would enable the possessor to look through the hole and see fairies from other realms. This kind of charm - especially if hung on red cord - would be especially helpful during Samhain when the veil between the worlds is very thin, especially for the fairy worlds. Some Italian magical practitioners believed that you could use this stone to bind a fairy to the owner’s service for a set amount of time. Another interesting use for the Hag, or Fairy Stone, is to go in search of fairies! One of the ideas is to wear your Fairy Stone around your neck and before you actually go to look for fairies, gather up some morning do in a jar and gently pour that dew through the hole of your stone as this will enable you to more easily see nature spirits, and fairies. This can also work around water and increase your attunement to Sea Spirits, and mermaids. If you were lucky enough to have found your stone in the forest, it would also increase your connection to Tree spirits. Used throughout Britain and Europe, particularly in Scandinavia, it was believed that the Hag Stones protective powers would be increased if liquids were poured through the hole and in Scandinavia this was often done with ale, or with milk. Hag Stones were also used as Pledge stones which gives the bearer the ability to know if someone was speaking the truth. Representative of the goddess vagina, this stone also creates a powerful love spell. Simply find a stick that fits well into the hole of the stone , and while setting your intention to find true love, throw the connected pair into a large body of water such as a sea or ocean. If on the other hand, you need protection or have items of value you would like protected, find several of these stones and tie them to that item for a boost of protective power. To use Hag Stone for wishes or intentions, hold it in your non-dominant hand and then rub it with the dominant hand in a clockwise motion while you visualize what it is you're wishing for. You should do this three times as three is a magical witches number. Some Hag Stones have multiple holes, and stones with three holes are very significant in magical practices. Medieval witches would pass a cord or a small pebble through the hole in patterns of three and while doing so, would repeat the intent of the spell each time the item (cord or the small pebble) was passed through the hole This spell that the witch was trying to create was also affected by the colour of the cords used so different cord colours had different purposes. An example was that green was a colour for fertility, pink was for love, and blue was for health. A long time ago it was believed that nightmares came about because the hag, or witch, would be sitting on the stomach of the sleeping person creating discomfort or pain so it is also believed that to protect oneself from nightmares hanging Hag Stone beside the bed or at the head of the bed would prevent these bad dreams. A slightly more modern version of this is a dream catcher so if you want to double the power on your dream catcher I would suggest making a dream-catcher and including some Hag stones on it if you're able to find some! Healers also find the energy and properties of Hag Stones helpful in that they are refreshing to mind, body and spirit, so if you ever come across one…. be sure to cherish it! Here is my collection! #sheCARES #samhain #crystalsrock #hagstones

  • Part III: Do the Records exist?

    Well, I think that is up to you to decide. Everyone is different and has a unique perspective. Some people may feel it is “hocus-pocus” and others may not. In a way, it reminds me of the age old question “Does God exist?” I would like to address, however, why some people may have a difficult time believing in the validity of the Records. As with any other intuitive type reading, people go into it existing where they are at currently. Often times, someone may be looking for some guidance into their future and wht happens when the future they were searching for does not come to fruition? They become skeptical. However, they did not take into account where they were at in their existence at the time of the reading and perhaps many events- positive or negative – swayed them from their path impacting the outcome of the guidance they were given. We are always in control our of destiny, but we always need to remember that readings simply give us a direction based on the current position we are in with consideration to the current path. Just as we can forge a new path at any time, so can our outcomes be impacted and changed. Personally, it was a struggle for me to accept the records as “real” even when I had the experience of being in the multiple times! I found it was difficult to accept the messages I would receive simply because it is very odd experience to hear and see things in your head that you know you are hearing and seeing but yet seem very distant and unrelated to you. It took me a lot of working in the Records and learning to trust my MTLO’s (Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones) that these messages, images, and thoughts were not coming from me, but were external to me. I have had to learn to trust in the process and believe what I hear without censoring it for my clients. I have also learned to explain to those who come to see me that I am simply the phone cord – the method by which the message is transmitted, the Records are the sender and they are the receiver. Whether you choose to believe or not is up to you., however, I hope you will remain open to the idea that there is a large source of information and knowledge available to you beyond your conscious mind; and it doesn’t matter where you believe that information is coming from – your angels, the Akashic records or from God. That is entirely up to you! #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Lepidolite

    Today I want to talk about Lepidolite. This is one of my favourite stones both to work with and to wear! Lepidolite is mostly found in Africa, Brazil, the USA, and Greenland. Its soft, sparkly lilac colour connects to our heart chakra, while also resonating with the third eye and crown chakras. It makes a great companion in meditation and prayer, helping us see the bigger picture and showing us higher levels of awareness. Metaphysically this stone also assists us with any emotional healing that we need to do and teaches us patience. I have always felt as though this stone helps open new doors and supports us during difficult times, even when an ending is required. It helps eases the pain and discomfort of life’s difficult transitions and helps us find optimism and self love when these situations come up. It is also thought to encourage success in careers/business so can be a great asset to a workspace. Another reason it is handy to have in on your desk, is that it is thought to absorb electromagnetic pollution emanating from technology. Since I am not much of a green thumb, I will sometimes keep this stone nearby things that I want to grow as it lends a growing energy to agriculture and gardening. Personally, I have found it to be a great good luck stone as well as assisting me to a better night’s sleep when near my bed or under my pillow (it does contain small amounts of lithium which help regulate the nervous system and create balance!)! I love this stone, not only for its beauty but for its versatility! (Remember these are my opinions and should never be taken as medical advice!) #sheCARES

  • Part II: How do others describe the Akashic Records?

    In case you are not aware, Edgar Cayce is thought to be the person who first came across a system for accessing the Akashic Records. Known as a psychic and mystic, he helped many people through his intuitive abilities and most often cited that accessing the Akashic Records gave the needed information to help the people who came to see him. He made reference to the idea that each thought, action or experience would create a vibrational existence which would then be marked upon space and time with the person’s identity attached to it. He was also known to have believed that the records were recorded in an objective way that revealed the true intent of the person, and that these records were a resource of information that were open to everyone. Here is how Cayce describes them: The Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life,” can be equated to the Universe’s super-computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us … The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another. Another well-known person who teaches a systematic method of accessing the Akashic Records is author Linda Howe. Linda Howe has written many books on the Records and developed a certification program in which you can become a Certified Akashic Record Reader; however, anyone can open the Records through the Pathway Process Prayer that Linda created and no certification in required. In her book “How to Read the Akashic Records,” she describes them this way: The Akashic Records offer empowerment and transformation by lending us exactly the wisdom, guidance, and energetic support that we need in this lifetime. For centuries, the Records — the energetic archive of Souls’ past, present, and future possibilities — were the exclusive domain of mystics, saints, and scholars. No longer! The collective consciousness of the human race has been growing, evolving, and maturing. This spiritual independence is marked by individuals who know that they have direct access to their spiritual Source, and who cultivate that sacred relationship. Aside: You may be interested to know that it is Linda Howe’s method which I was taught by Kevin Jackson, one of her approved teachers. This is the only method that I use to access the records for myself and for my clients. #sheCARES #akashicrecords #hallofrecords

  • Gratitude Stones

    To me, Thanksgiving is more than the food and family. It is about acknowledging the people, and things in my life that I am grateful for. It is also about recognizing the kindness that is still in our world today. In this time of pandemic difficulty where people may feel isolated or lonely, it is extremely important to reach out - not just to those we love, but to our neighbors, and our community. Given my love of all things stone-like I was thinking about how I could use that to encourage connection so here are a few ideas I came up with that you might want to try today - Thanksgiving - or even any day that you feel like reaching out. Consider at your next "bubble" gathering setting a pre-prepared small rock at each person's plate. On each is a symbol to which only you have the key. As the person announces what their symbol is, you tell them what action they need to take based on your key. For example - a heart may mean they must tell their partner or child something they love about them. A star might be that they share a dream or desire with the people around the table. A staff or cane might mean they need to share a piece of wisdom, and so on. (This can also be done randomly by passing a bag of painted rocks around the table and having each person take one.) Of course, they get to take their rocks home as a reminder of the wonderful gathering they were a part of. Maybe you want to reach out a little farther into your community, so why not paint some "grateful stones" and drop them off in unexpected places around your neighborhood? Or perhaps you want to write a little note of gratitude on a stone for each person at your table, and simply give it to them as a memento. No matter how you choose to do it, celebrate your Thanksgiving with a grateful heart and remember: Blessed Be! #sheCARES #gratefulheart

  • Part I: What Are the Akashic Records?

    If you are following me on Facebook, you might recall that I was told by my guides, and by my team in my Akashic Records, that I really needed to return to my roots and do what I love. One of my passions is Akashic Record reading. This is not simply reading others records, but also helping people fully understand what the Records are and how accessing them helps attain answers and give guidance that can come in very unique ways. Since many people have asked me to explain the Records, and I love to share knowledge, I knew it would be beneficial to write a few posts about the Akashic Records. I am going to start with the records and what they are. I remember when I first head the term “Akashic Records” and I had no idea what that even met. When I attended my first class with instructor, Kevin Jackson, I still felt very unsure…. And then we jumped right into an exercise in which we “opened our records”. Poof! Mind blown…. That is an experience I cannot begin to put into words… but it did enable me to begin to explain what exactly the records are. Let’s start with the word – Akashic which comes from the root word Akasha. Akasha is the Sanskrit word for "atmosphere". In Hindi, Akash means "sky" or "heaven". The way I think of the Akasha is “all encompassing”. To me, the Akasha are all the thoughts, events, experiences, and intentions that have been written on my soul throughout all of time. Yep, now go back and read that again… it is a lot to absorb. Now if we add the complete phrase, of “Akashic Records”, then I envision a blueprint – as there would be for a house builder – showing the tiniest of details, and ALL the precise and exact measurements recorded for the person reading the blueprints. The records then are like this exact blueprint – but instead of it being the details of the house that have been put together to form one building, the Akashic Records are ALL the parts of your lives that have created who you are and they are printed upon your soul. So literally, when I get asked what are the Akashic Records, my reply most often is that these are the blueprints of your soul where every detail and experience has been recorded from the very beginning of the time of your souls’ inception. It is really important that we are clear here – we are not just talking about the current physical embodiment you have in this lifetime, but this soul blueprint includes all the lives you have ever led. Now, when you think about it, having access to the incredible database (blueprint) of experiences, events, intentions and lives you have ever lived is pretty amazing… and maybe a little bit scary too! The Akashic Records are those experiences, thoughts and intentions which are written on your soul throughout all time-including all previous lives. This is what makes your soul and your Akashic Records uniquely yours. Now, just spend a second thinking about the records. If you have a record, and I have a record, and Mary and Susan and Bill and James each have their own record….. what about the pyramids that have been here much longer then then the existence of one lifetime? What about your pet goldfish that you only had for one week? Can they also have records? Sure, they can because they physically exist too! Can you see how absolutely everything has a record? You have an Akashic Record, your pet has an Akashic Record, even your house has an Akashic Record! How cool is that? #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Deadly Rocks

    Over on my FB page I am offering a series of information about rocks/crystals and their uses. I thought I would start our first rock post by sharing this cool article about some deadly minerals! Here is a great article on some very deadly stones! I'm very careful when I handle these 2 minerals and you can tell, I keep one safely in a glass test tube. The galena is the cluster, and the stibnite is the long piece in the tube. When I purchased the stibnite at a rock show there were several pieces laying out on a table and I was very surprised there was no signage indicating its toxicity! #sheCARES #crystalsrock

  • Welcome to 2020!

    This year I decided to change things up a bit since there are lots of new things going on! I am going to have some special offers, not just on my FB page, but also as part of my monthly newsletter. Here is a sneak peek of January's newsletter - and if you want to see the rest, just subscribe to receive updates through the website and you'll get an extra special bonus!

  • Using the Buck Moon to Clear & Release

    Hi everyone, It's been a while since I posted, but I'm really drawn to share some information with you and help you clear away some old patterns to help you move forward and create more of what you want in your life! As you may know, we're heading into a Full Moon with some pretty heavy retrograde activities going on throughout the month of July. While I don't follow astrology all the time, nor do I claim this is something I know a great deal about, I certainly believe the alignment of stars, planets and cycles of the moon can have an impact on our well-being. For now, I want to focus on the upcoming Full Moon and what it means to me, and what it potentially can mean for you! This Full Moon is often referred to as the Thunder Moon. It is given this name due to the obvious seasonal timing of receiving thunder storms and it's a really a good time to use this energetic Moon to re-charge and revitalize your energy. This Full Moon is in Capricorn (as if everything in already in retrograde isn't enough, add in the Full Moon partial eclipse in Capricorn!) which is a time of creativity. Allow yourself to let your creative side out and be playful. Let the Thunderstorms be the power behind your creativity for the rest of the month and try to invite some natural aspects into your creations. Consider making a nature mandala, creating a stone grid using stones and other items you've collected on your walks or items from nature, and as always, before taking anything from nature, ask first and show gratitude! This Moon is also called the Buck Moon. What you may not know is why it's called the Buck Moon. This is the time when young male deer grow full antlers, which is an important event since this is what identifies their gender to others. These antlers grown very quickly – up to ½ inch per day. Beginning as soft, sensitive nub in the Spring, and ending as a full set of hardened, bony antlers in the Fall. This incredible growth represents a huge personal change as it identifies the time when young male deer are ready to claim their power and position in the forest. Many of you know that I'm very animal oriented, and this is especially personal for me because deer is one of my Totem animals. Buck/deer reminds us to bring gentleness to all that we do, and to approach situations from the heart. When we listen to the world with the ears of a deer, we will hear more of the beauty that surrounds us. Since deer sheds its antlers, this time is also about letting go, renewal, and growth. It is this during time that I encourage you to get outdoors and return to the truth of who you are... return to nature. This is a time when you must find balance in all areas of life, but most strongly this appears in our relationships- both with ourselves and others. With deer's growth of antlers, we are also given the opportunity to understand the connection between our roots and the directions we are being pulled. This is why balance becomes so essential at this time, and I believe for many of us, balance is a difficult thing to obtain. This Full Moon is a good time to spend time visualizing what you want. It also offers us a great opportunity to connect to our higher self and seek guidance. This is a terrific time to get your Chakras balanced to help you be emotionally stable during this emotional time. On my Facebook page, I'm going to host a seven day "program" to help you heal and balance your Chakras. If you want to be invited to this special group, head over there to get involved or PM me and I'll invite you to join. As I so often must tell my clients, the only thing is, you need to do the work! It will start Monday July 15 and run for 7 days. If you miss the start date, you're still welcome to join and I will make sure all members are supported through to the end of the month. The Full Thunder Moon/ Buck Moon is also a wonderful time to do a Burning Bowl or Fire Ceremony. This ceremonial Fire is a method to help you release anything that no longer serves your highest good. By letting go, you then make room for new positive energies to come into your life. As some of you know, I often offer releasing for my clients many of whom will be distantly participating in next week's ceremony. If you have something to release, feel free to get in touch before noon on the 16th and I'll be happy to do this for you. This is the time to turn inwards to find your answers. Meditation can be a great help in this area. Here are a few things you may want to explore, work with, or seek messages from throughout the month: plants, trees or scents include honeysuckle, lemon balm, jasmine, frankincense, oak tree, ash tree or the lotus flower; stones such as moonstone, white agate or other white stones; animals like the osprey, swallow, turtle, whale, crab and dolphin are also options. Perhaps meditate and ask if any of these nature elements have a message especially for you! No matter what you do, I hope your July is rich with love and opportunities for growth and healing. Blessings to you!

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