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  • Hummingbird Medicine

    Since hummingbird has been part of my Shamanic medicine and a bird that appears for me regularly over the past several years, I decided today to tell you about this birds’ special significance! I first connected to Hummingbird a few years ago while spending some time at the lake. These lovely birds kept coming to a tree nearest my deck which enabled me to really enjoy watching them. After that I put out a feeder to encourage them, and even some special flowering plants that they are particularly fond of. At that time, I had not really started my Peruvian Shamanic journey, so I had no knowledge of the significance they would continue to hold as I walk my path. The Hummingbird is one of the four major power animals in Peru. (The others are the snake, jaguar/puma and the condor). In Shamanic understanding each items – plants, animal, mineral – and person has the ability to share its medicine, thus ensuring there is an appropriate medicine for everyone and everything. Absolutely everything in nature has wisdom to share as long as we are open to it. The medicine I associate with Hummingbird is about nectar and sweetness. Hummingbird appears to remind us that it is this nectar – beauty, colour, the true sweetness of life – that are the things which make life worth living. Hummingbird’s medicine is one we can help ourselves to at any time when we need it – we do not need to earn it or make ourselves worthy – we simply need to remind ourselves that we can savor all the beauty which surrounds us when we become ready! The Hummingbird helps us to get ready and be open – she connects to our Shamanic heart – and she also teaches us that the very smallest of birds has a great deal of power and magic within her. When we truly feel Hummingbird in our consciousness, we also feel the delight that is found in daily living and the deep happiness that resides within our hearts when we love openly and freely. We begin to experience the delights that surround us – even during the depth of a cold, white climate which we are currently facing. We take a closer look at the small things – the feather we find on our winter walk, the beauty in the barest of branches, the glint of the snow in the sun. It is by taking time to sip on this tasty nectar that the Hummingbird is able to fly the 4000 miles to reach their destination. This nectar is their fuel – just as the beauty that surrounds us can encourage us to fulfill our passions and desires. But let’s be honest – it’s not just about fueling themselves – its’ about knowing they can do it. They can make that long journey on those tiny little wings. They just go – they go without hesitation or question. They push forward, they fly their course, they perserver; and if Hummingbird comes into your life, she is also there to remind you that you also have the ability to push through. Consider the depth of our cold winter when it is dark and the feeling of isolation (ever more present during COVID) can be overwhelming so that many of us want to become “couch potatoes” – we still go out, participate in life, work, and play…and this is because we know that the greenness of Spring is right around the corner. We persevere. We don’t question that Spring is coming….we just move forward.. just like the tiny Hummingbird does! We need to feel Hummingbird’s medicine and their attitude of perseverance as we work in pursuit of our dreams! When talking about Hummingbird’s special abilities, I would be remiss if I did not also remind you of their singular ability to fly backwards! This amazing ability assist them in their everyday endeavors and demonstrates their adaptability and their intuitive ability to make decisions – and their complete connecting to the past, present and future. In this way, the Hummingbird is a messenger between the worlds and closely works with the Shamans in this work. It may be that Hummingbird is here to teach you how to move with one foot in the physical realm and one foot in the realm of spirit, or to offer you support at a time when you may be required to move swiftly backward or forward to accommodate life’s current circumstances. The magical movement of the Hummingbird’s wings – not just the speed at which they move, but that they move in the shape of the infinity symbol – allows this little presence to glide between the worlds with the appearance of not moving at all. It is through this movement that we send our energies back through time and space to connect with our ancestors; and bring forward the wisdom of the ancestors into our daily life. Then, that new wisdom sits within us in our deepest Shamanic heart so that we can apply these wisdoms to the ways in which we bring our love into the future. This is the way in which the Hummingbird opens our heart and holds for us heart-healing medicine. As with their other acrobatic movements, Hummingbirds also stop mid-flight and appear as though they are simply “hanging” in air. Their winged dance teaches us how to move with the flow of what is going on around us and how crucial it is to focus on the current times, as what may happen in the future is not nearly as important as we sometimes believe. The Hummingbird shows us how to move and adapt to changes as they surround us. They adapt too – as in the Andes, the little Hummingbird appears almost dead during the cold nights, yet in the morning, they are revived. They continue to show their resiliency and serve to remind us that their wings’ movement is that of eternity and continuity The next time you see a Hummingbird, be sure to ask yourself what medicine it is sharing with you, because it can access the most powerful of spiritual wisdom and will share it openly. In case you want a little more factual information about the Hummingbird, here are a few tidbits have gathered as I have learned to work with Hummingbird medicine: · Hummingbirds are the tiniest migrating bird. They don’t migrate in flocks like other species, and they typically travel alone for up to 500 miles at a time. · Many Hummingbird species weigh less than 4 grams (less than 1 teaspoon of sugar). · Hummingbirds can flash their bright colors, as well as hide them when needed. · A hummingbird’s brain is 4.2% of its body weight, the largest proportion in the bird kingdom. · Hummingbird feet are so tiny they cannot walk on them, but they shuffle from side to side on the perch. They are small so that their feet won’t add extra weight that can slow them down when in flight. · Much like their small feet, Hummingbirds have the fewest number of feathers than any other bird - fewer feathers also keeps them more lightweight for easier flight. · Hummingbirds can travel at 30 mph flying horizontally, however, when they dive vertically they can reach up to 60 mph. · Hummingbirds are very smart and they can remember every flower they have been to, and how long it will take a flower to refill. · Hummingbirds can hear better than humans. · Hummingbirds can see ultraviolet light. · A hummingbird’s tongue is grooved like the shape of a “W” and they have tiny hairs on the tip of the tongue to help lap up nectar. · Despite their small size, hummingbirds are one of the most aggressive bird species. They will regularly attack jays, crows, and hawks that infringe on their territory. PS. I know there are many more beautiful photos available, but these are special to me and I wanted to share them with you, as they are my own! #sheCARES #animalmedicine #shamanism

  • The Spider as a Spirit Animal

    I had an opportunity to be outside when we had a wonderful hoar frost and I noticed that a lovely friend had left me such a beautiful and precious gift that I decided I wanted to make my first Animals and their Spiritual Meanings post about her – the eensie weensie Spider! Now don’t get me wrong, spiders are not my most favourite of animals to be found in nature – and I would much prefer to see them outdoors than in, but still, the beauty of this gift was really surprising, and I knew I had to dig a little deeper to learn about what she was here to tell me! In ancient Egypt, Spider was sacred to Goddess Neith – who was a mother figure; and in some Native Americans cultures, Spider is known as being a creator - like Grandmother Spider - also a symbol of the divine Feminine. Likely the most well-known story about Grandmother Spider is that it is she who spins the web of time and knows all aspects of the future and the past. Knowing these aspect of Spider is a great place to start looking at Spider energy and the lessons Spider brings! Like many mother and feminine figures, Spider is connected to balance – the way we need to work carefully to acknowledge and find both the light and the darkness; the masculine and feminine; and balance between our inner and outer worlds. In working with this balance, we often forget the amazing beauty that there is in the shadow self and Spider is here to remind us of this. When we can work with Spider medicine and the shadow, we are brought more fully into the light. Spider is the reminder that none of us are perfect - and that knowing our imperfections helps us to create greater transformations. It is also important to look at the dark or shadow side of the Spider– its venom. The venom it carries can lead to death – but also can be used as an antidote, so truly, the Spider connects us to the cycle of life and death and the magic and energy of creation. This creative force is reflected in its ability to spin beautiful webs – for which it depends on to survive. As well as its deep connection to the feminine, where for example, the black female widow spider will kill and eat the male after mating has exhausted it. Often times, Spider come to us as reminder that we may be tired and feel as though we are exhausted but it is important to breathe life into our dreams and ideas. She encourages us to weave a strong web in order to overcome any challenges that we are faced with. When you feel as though you’re walking on a very thin rope which is sure to break, call on Spider medicine to help you see how to better navigate the fine, frayed threads of life and find your way back to a position of clarity and strength. Spider will help you to construct the destiny you want to have. There is no way to talk about Spider and not talk about the web she weaves. To a Spider, its web is its entire ‘world’. Consider that when Spider appears to you, maybe it is time to see yourself as the center of your own world. Like Spiders, we create our own world. We are the makers of our own destiny. Once we understand ourselves, we can truly begin manifesting our own reality. The Spider web draw attention to our life choices and the amazing synchronicities that happen. It often symbolizes destiny, and fate since the web is a reflection of our lives and all that is intertwined with us. Most webs begin with a central point and work into a spiral – what you might view as a nature mandala. When this comes into view, perhaps it is time to ask if you are weaving your own dreams into reality? Are you focused on what you really want or is your time spent concentrating on the negative aspects of life? The web proves how self-reliant the Spider is and we can connect this to our own lives, so that we can do things the way and within the time frame that we desire. The building and spinning of the web – this incredible circular structure – shows us that we keep going around and around – through the seasons and cycles. Spider means endurance and rebuilding. Just as when a spider’s web gets broken it rebuilds; we can also rebuild and try again when things don’t go as planned. Like the web, there is a strength in this creativity and when we branch off from what we thought we wanted, we are always given the opportunity to circle back and begin again. Spider is a spiritual guide who encourages you to look at problems from different angles. Follow one strand – where does it take you? Try another – where are you then? Spider reminds us to keep trying and not give up. Spider is careful – she uses all her skills and strengths to assess the placement of her web, the best time to catch her enemies by surprise and to avoid predators. Like Spider, perhaps you need a lesson in thinking before taking action? Or consider the patience she demonstrates as she waits for the prey to come to her. Maybe this is the lesson that Spider wants to share with you? No matter what her lesson is or her reason for coming, she and her web appeared crystal clear and with such beauty and grace on this frosty day that she stole my breath and made me realize I have much to learn, even from the tiniest of creatures. #SheCARES #spiritanimal #animalguides

  • Bloodstone - Beautiful & Pragmatic

    Now this is one of my favourites to work with and it has a lot of great qualities as well as amazing colours! There are a few types of bloodstones that you might see which look a bit different, but the “classic” bloodstone is an opaque green jasper with red inclusions. This stone is well known in the Bible as it can be found referenced as it was one of the jasper stones on Aaron’s Breastplate. During the Middle Ages, it was believed that the red spots on this mostly green stone, were Christ’s blood that dropped onto the stones at this crucifixion, so many spiritual and magical properties were connected to this stone for that reason! Christians often used to carve scenes of the crucifixion and martyrs into the bi-colored stone, which lead to the stone being named the “Martyr’s Stone”. You may also find Bloodstone referred to as Heliotrope. It is in fact a Green Jasper that is dotted with red splotches of iron oxide and as part of the Chalcedony Quartz family, in ancient times polished these stones were described as a reflection of the sun, reminding the ancients of the dark red sun setting on the ocean. This lovely stone can be found mainly in India, China, Brazil, Australia, and the USA. Given that it has red inclusions, you would be a correct to say that it connects to the first or Root/Base chakra. It also makes perfect sense that this stone is associated with the “life blood” and It contains Iron, which is one of the main minerals associated with the First Chakra because we need Iron to survive! It assists in cleaning the lower chakras; and is a great grounder and protector, especially of the heart energies. I suggest that Bloodstone helps to balance the Root chakra with that of the heart so that one remains grounded and rooted while dealing with emotionally complex issues. Since it connects primarily to the “physical” chakras this a great stone to help with finding balance in physical areas of our life, including balancing the need to care for ourselves versus caring for others. It is a powerful stone for restoring and rebuilding the mind and body, helping a sagging spirit to return to its natural state of happiness and health. This stone of strength and courage, can help you to weather storms no matter if they are internal or external. It is also a stone of purification and detoxification which is said to help cleanse the blood and help our detoxing organs including the kidneys, spleen, bladder and liver. This stone will also help you to detoxify spiritually – look closely at what you are feeding your soul currently. Make sure that you are not getting drained by other people’s energies and try to stay away from toxic people and environments. Wearing Bloodstone can also assist in boosting your immune system. This stone was frequently carried by soldiers either to offer magical first aid or to avoid initial wounds all together. A Bloodstone held to a bleeding nose is believed to slow or stop the flow of blood almost immediately; and it is a wonderful stone for women relieving menstrual and menopausal pain, but also assists women with strength and stamina while in labor and childbirth. Bloodstone is a great stone to wear or carry since it gives strength to all who require it. Ancient Greeks often carried or wore Bloodstone during athletic competitions to ensure endurance and secure favor of those in power-to help ensure the athlete’s fame. It helps you stand up if being bullied, promotes endurance, and stamina during physical activities, and also helps you to make decisions that are the best for you in any time or circumstance. Metaphysically, it is known to help banish evil and direct our spiritual energy giving us courage to act in the present moment. It helps us recognize that everything is inter-connected. It can increase our creativity and intuition, enhance decision making, reduce impatience and help us find the highest altruism when it is carried or worn. Bloodstone is an amazing stone to work with through meditation, especially when placed on the heart chakra as its healing and grounding energies will help you to remain in a centered state of peace. You can also place this stone in water and make a spritz to liven and clear the energy within your home, office or workout room. Since this stone is also connected to abundance, (especially regarding finances) it is wise to place a piece next to or inside your wallet, or even place a tumbled stone in the southeast corner of your home (the money corner) to promote wealth and prosperity. When you are working with this stone and want to kick it up a notch, try combining it with smokey quartz, obsidian or black tourmaline for an even more emotionally and physically stable perspective. This lovely pendant is only $33, and can be worn facing front or back due to its sterling bail. If it wants to go home with you, just send me a message! #sheCARES #crystalsrock

  • Part X: Common Questions about My Offerings

    Question: Are you booking in person sessions? While I love doing personal sessions, in the times of COVID, I understand that this is not for everyone. That said, I am happy to book sessions virtually or by phone. You will receive all of the same information; however, you do not receive the other aspects f healing that can occur when in my healing room. Question: How long are your sessions and what are your prices? You can choose from 30 or 60 minute sessions. This means we will be in your records for that amount of time. Since there is always a little chat before and after, I book a 30 minute session for 1 hour and a 60 minute session for 90 minutes. Regular prices include taxes and are $60 for 30 minutes; $115 for 60 minutes. Question: What hours do you work/How can I book a session? I keep my evenings open for Readings and these usually start at 4:30 or 5 pm. I also offer some weekend openings depending on my schedule and that of my clients. To book a session, send me an email to; hit the message button on my FB page; or call/text 306-716-2970 with your inquiry. Question: Do you offer discounts or specials? I do offer specials on my FB page and through my website. I also attend Expo’s where I offer short readings at a discounted price. If you want to gather a group either virtually or are having and in-person gathering, I also offer discounts to do readings for that. If you sign up for my monthly e-newsletter you would be on the “first to know” list for any new happenings! To do that just let me know you want to receive the e-newsletter by sending me an email to; hit the message button on my FB page; or call/text 306-716-2970 being sure to include your email address! Question: Is Akashic Reading your only service? Definitely not! I have a number of services in which I am certified, including Crystal Therapy, Animal Communication, and Card Reading. I also offer Chakra Healing classes and an Akashic Reading Series to help you work though common issues. For more information on those just reach out or check my website at #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Green Aventurine

    Found most commonly in Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa, Green Aventurine is a fabulous heart stone. The name ‘Aventurine’ comes from the beautiful shimmering finish of this stone as its “aventurescence” refers to the tiny particles of highly reflective mineral that you can see with the naked eye. As well, its fuchsite particles within the quartz are what gives it the gorgeous green color! When I did some more reading about Green Aventurine I learned that it has a long history and has been used in many cultures. For example, in Tibet, it was used to decorate statues, which is where we can still see it today. It is thought to have been used on the stature to indicate the “visionary” powers f the statues and people they represented because this stone is believed to improve nearsightedness. Within the Chinese culture, Aventurine was the sacred stone of Kuan-Yin (who is known as the goddess of compassion); and, because of its luscious green colour, it has been associated with various goddesses of fertility, nature, and spring throughout many cultures. To this day, aventurine, especially green aventurine, is a stone that connects us with Spring and Summer encouraging you to connect with that inner state of joy and to synchronize with nature’s soothing rhythm. This allows us to live in the present, enjoying each moment without anxiety, fear, doubt or stress. Since it is so connected to spring, Aventurine can be a very useful stone if you’re suffering from SAD or the ‘winter blues’. Just keep some on your person or wear it in a way that connects to your heart, such on a mala or pendant. Another good way to have this stone work for you is to place a piece of it near a heat source or a light – such as a window, or a fireplace. When you feel yourself drawn towards that light or heat source you will begin to feel a renewed sense of serenity because the energies of this stone are radiating towards you. The spiritual meaning of Aventurine is that of the ‘heart healer’. It is linked to Anahata, the Heart Chakra, which is our center of love and inner peace. Since it is associated with the middle chakra, it serves to remind us that we need harmony between the three lower “Mother Earth” chakras, and the three upper “Father Sky” chakras. This harmony is what allows us to have a sense of balance during our soul experience on earth. In addition, its connection with nature and spring will help you feel an awakening to nature. This will quickly improve your psychic health and strength Green aventurine promotes harmony and clearing of our personal psychic energy. This makes it a wonderful stone for improving all of your relationships: familial, romantic, professional, and interpersonal. All relationships can benefit from the calm and harmonious attitude this stone creates. If you are just beginning a romantic relationship, it will keep the lines of communication open and helps you to extend forgiveness in your evaluation of your potential partner. In more advanced relationships, it can help you get through periods where you feel stagnant, unheard, or unable to communicate your needs. Everyone goes through times like this, and this stone will help to ensure that they don’t trip you up for too long! Since it promotes harmony and offers a soothing energy, it affects not just you but all those around you. Placing green aventurine in rooms where tension builds up, for example, an office, lunchroom, family living or dining room, or even a bedroom, can help break any patterns of negativity that tend to occur in those venues, as well as encourage you to remove yourself and not become embroiled in the disagreements that can often occur. This stone works very efficiently with the heart chakra, helping to dissolve negative thoughts and emotions in any situation. Green aventurine can help you live in the moment, finding an energy of quiet contentment, that people often struggle to find. By encouraging us to slow down, to breathe and relax, it helps us to soak up its positive vibrations and inspiration. It have often been notes that those who bring aventurine home often feel luckier as a consequence, and this helps to create an “attitude of gratitude”. This stone reflects a comforting and secure energy giving you the confidence to move forward and to take risks knowing that your heart is safely protected. As you listen to your inner voce, and trust your sense of knowing and intuition, this stone can help you come into a more harmonious, balanced state. If you feel drawn to green aventurine, your spirit guides are giving you the “green light” to move ahead with any plans you might have. This often leads to an increase in prosperity and abundance and can assist you in creating the dreams you have always strived for! If called to, you may also want to meditate with green aventurine as it is known to imbue you with its loving harmonious energies. Using aventurine in this way can help increase your awareness to the values of spirituality and idealism and help you to see and appreciate good character within others. There is no real right or wrong way to work with aventurine! Aventurine can also help increase your self-discipline and is thought to work well in breaking bad habits such as overeating, alcoholism and gambling. It can really help you to step back and see the bigger picture; while supporting your desire to have the time you need in order to perform self-care rituals that encourage you to be your best self! When you consider using green aventurine with other stones, I have a few suggestions. When using it with other stones, you must be aware that the metaphysical properties of aventurine are very “soft” so it is best to pair it with other “soft” stones so that the properties are enhanced and not overtaken. if you were to pair aventurine with other stones, such as turquoise, whose strong properties are to enhance communication and connect with the emotions, you can find that your intuition is enhanced. Other stones that pair well with green aventurine are moonstone and opal since both of these crystals help to increase communication, and add clarity to your emotions as well as will compliment the intuitive powers of aventurine! Another good stone to use with green aventurine is clear quartz. This might seem contradictory as it is not really thought of as a “soft” stone, however, since it has amplifying properties it helps increase the empathy and forgiveness that is part of aventurine’s makeup. In addition, Rose Quartz has similar benefits as it will lend its own innocent romance to the holder’s understanding of a situation. If you are somewhat cynical, then a combination of Rose Quartz and Aventurine may be helpful in assisting you to develop a positive and generous attitude towards other people. Having green aventurine call to you means you are ready to try new things – ready for the next “adventure”. This stone will help you feel more comfortable and at home as well as offer its soothing energy anytime you are feeling anxious or fearful. It is believed to stir creativity and bring cheerfulness and good humour. As you might guess, this stone’s physical healing properties mostly revolve around the heart system of the body. It can help improve heart problems and recovery from illnesses and surgery involving these areas. As well, it is believed that assist with lowering cholesterol helping to lower the likelihood of a heart attack. This stone works well with the circulatory system as well as helping those with eyesight issues including cerebral palsy and dyslexia. It may also reduce inflammation, especially from skin conditions, and help reduce migraines and allergies. All in all this is a wonderful gem to have nearby! #sheCARES #crystalsrock

  • Part IX: Why are the Akashic Records so significant?

    You already know you can learn about your past lives (most often in relation to your present day situation) and gain clarity on current events that are happening for you, but did you know you can ask for guidance about your business? Finances? Career paths? Relationships? Creative endeavors? People have accessed the Records to write books, paint, or create. Others have seen or received inspiration for the next place they need to travel or move to. You can ask why you are in your current situation, or why you feel blocked from moving forward in certain areas. You can ask “life purpose” questions of you can simply ask for guidance on what you need to know right now in this moment! The knowledge in the Akashic Records is infinite and you can go back again and again with different questions and ideas, or you might feel like once is all you are meant to visit in this lifetime. No matter your reason for accessing your Records, there are some truly wonderful possibilities when you do. A. Healing – we all need healing on some level. We are spirits living in a physical body, and whether that body needs some TLC and self-care, or the Spirit is feeling lost, the Akashic Records can assist you by providing the information you require to work on your own areas of healing. B. Past Lives – learning about our past lives can help us identify relationship patterns – both positive and negative, so that we can better define our current relationships or assist us in defining what we want and need to attract a soul mate. C. Behaviours and Patterns – the Records help us to see the life patterns we may be repeating. This can be extremely beneficially if we want to break out of those patterns or behaviours or if we feel those patterns may be holding us back from something wonderful. We can work in the records to clear these patterns and evaluate the belief systems that went with them! D. Changes – if you see that you need to make changes in your life and fell ready, the Records can guide you into the best route to take and offer you support through providing clarity and validation of you next move. E. Personal Strengths – need to identify what you are really good at or call upon your past lives to bring forward some of the expertise you have previously? This can be done through the Records too. I am sure you have many “hidden” talents that are just waiting to be rekindled. F. Connection with Spirit – the MTLO’s are a great place to help access and build upon your connection to Spirit. This can be done in so many different ways that the Records can help you find suitable methods for you and even within themselves you are more connected to the light and Universal energies than you likely thought possible! G. Life’s Purpose – I know I have mentioned this many time throughout these posts, but it is so true. Many of us are not living the life we want and accessing the Records can help you gain clarity and fully define your life’s purpose. They can help you find ways of reaching your goals or living more thoughtfully through your light and Spirit. They can really help with the big question of “Why am I here?” #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Everyone Needs Blue Apatite!

    I decided to talk about blue apatite today because………..well I think we could all use a little positivity and something that is uplifting right about now! The Greeks were the first to recognize the chameleon-like qualities of Apatite and its ability to resemble other crystals, The Apatite crystal stone meaning comes from the Greek word “to deceive,” owing its name to its unique properties. A combination of different levels of fluorine, chlorine, and hydroxide, the Apatite crystal ranges in color from deep blue-green to green to yellow and sometimes pink or violet. Made from a common group of minerals containing a calcium phosphate base, Apatite reminds us that truly knowing oneself is the key to opening up the doors of the universe, a place where anything is possible. While Apatite is found in quite a few locations including Myanmar (Burma), Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Norway, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Mexico, Canada and the United States, the main places that the blue stone comes from are Madagascar, Russia, Brazil and India. It has a strong action within the Third Eye and Throat chakras and is known to aid the development of your psychic gifts, including mental telepathy, clairvoyance, or psychic visions. This stone would be of great assistance to anyone with a job requiring strong and clear communication. The Throat chakra is it aids in the release of energy from other chakras in the body by being the modality in which truth is expressed. When blocked, it will affect not only the throat area, but any other area where energy is being held back and not spoken. When in balance, there is no energy stagnation so the mind, body, and spirit are all in harmony resulting in a feeling of serenity, and flow. Blue Apatite works extremely well with the throat chakra in helping you in speaking your truths. Aiding in honesty, and openness, this stone is great for writers, speakers, and poets. Blue Apatite encourages the growth of your spirituality and health. It will bring forth a confident energy to allow a flow of self-expression. Known also to work the Third Eye chakra, blue apatite has been used as a powerful healing stone to assist in clearing energetic blocks in the chakras, meridians, and the aura. It works to release emotional trauma, and hurtful memories from your past. It breaks through energies that contribute to mental exhaustion by raising your vibration to feel more positive. On a spiritual level, blue apatite works to balance energies of our own Divine masculine and feminine qualities, of what is often referred to as your Yin and Yang energies. This stone will also assist in healing the heart and helping clear your past lives. It offers a high level of spiritual guidance and can be used with record keepers to recover past life information as well as that of ancient civilizations. Blue Apatite crystals are particularly powerful to aid you to be able to experience 'vertical vision' (where you may see multiple levels of consciousness occurring). Apatite can help you to develop your psychic powers, as it will stimulate the birth of psychic gifts. Working with this stone on the Third eye will also stimulate psychic development as it is a stone of inspiration and is believed to increase "a-ha" moments! (Don’t we all want more of those?!) It will assist you with lucid dreaming and astral travel, and it encourages you to act in a more humanitarian way. It helps you accept yourself as you really are, and to gain greater self-confidence. If you’re in the mood, place a stone over the third-eye chakra and allow yourself to tap into an expanded spiritual dimension. It may open you to deep inner wisdom, and you may gain access to the Akashic Records. It has an ability to encourage intense spiritual attunement. Often there is an element of relating to past life issues that you may have deep feelings about, and the vibration of this stone helps works through the heart to help you in dealing with any grief that you may experience. Apatite is also well known as a manifestation crystal. Create a daily meditation ritual with a specific intention or goal in mind. Apatite is particularly useful because it can magnify and strengthen your intention, giving you the clarity of mind necessary for deepening your focus and spiritual awareness. This is also an excellent time to take stock of your current mind-body-spirit status. In addition, using this in meditation may allow you to fully awaken to the existence of the Divine, allowing you to harmonize your mind, body and spirit, aiding natural healing to occur. It is also an excellent stone to aid the immune system, and it may also help the eyes to see more clearly - in both a physical and metaphysical way. Using it regularly will bring forth a deeper connection to your Higher Selves, guardian angels, and other celestial light beings, including Mother Earth. Hold it when you do a psychic meditation, or you could put one under your pillow, and you may find that you have dreams that aid you to solve difficult problems in a creative way. It has a stimulating effect that may also be an aid to you if you want to enhance your creativity. Apatite is also believed to increase motivation and can be an aid for hyper and autistic children. Blue apatite is believed to form and repair cells, but also glands, cartilage, and anything to do with bodily tissue; joint repair, alleviate arthritis, and motor function. It is said to be a great aid for weight-loss by not only curbing your appetite but also activating a fast metabolism! Other uses for physical healing include headache relief. The Apatite crystal contains the same elements that make up our tooth enamel, making it an excellent healing aide for dental issues and mending broken bones. Physically, Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium, helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells. Since it is a crystal with a high vibration, you may find that using blue apatite may cause dizziness, especially if you are not used to working with crystal healing energy. it is best to pair this crystal with another that can provide grounding energies, such as Hematite, Onyx, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, or Black Tourmaline. Black Onyx an excellent stone for grounding and it serves dual purpose as it will also help prevent psychic attack. You may wish to use Blue Apatite with Rose Quartz to enhance the vibration of attracting and giving unconditional love; or use it with Rhodonite to increase the possibility of attaining new talents. You may wish to combine it with Clear Quartz, to stimulate your level of wisdom and increase insightful guidance; or combine with Aquamarine to help you find the courage to make changes in your life. During this pandemic time, if you or a friend are looking to move forward on your life path and need some calming, positive, supporting energies, I recommend getting some Blue Apatite as these are the energies this stone carries! This Blue Apatite pendant comes with a sterling silver bail and can be worn either side out ($44). #sheCARES #crystalsrock

  • Part VIII: Why should I see an Akashic Record Reader if I can access them myself?

    I that I truly believe anyone can open their Records. Personally, I believe that everyone is accessing the records all the time – they just don’t know it! At our lowest and highest points, we are still receiving information from our Soul – and since the Records are the “blueprint” of our Soul – then I really do think we are connected 100% of the time! I believe what you get reading for yourself and what I might get reading for you could be quite different. Edgar Cayce suggested in one of his discussion with his wife that it can be easy to misinterpret the information. We each come to a reading with our own ideas, perceptions and even associations that we place on things. These perceptions might impact how you would interpret information you are receiving, whereas, when I am reading for a client, I describe what I am being given and the client decipher the meaning asking for clarification if necessary. It is difficult to remove oneself from one’s own current day life in order to do that wholly and be able to not carry judgments or bias into a reading that we are doing for ourselves. The Akashic Records are affected by our background, the kind of day we are having and all kinds of mental and emotional factors that become more removed when a third-party reader is involved. Cayce also suggested that these factors can be removed only when the reader’s intention comes from a place of being completely selfless and in truth, their only desire is to assist. In other words, two individuals could acquire very different interpretations from the very same records because of their own belief systems, backgrounds, experiences, and personal motives. #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Part VII: What process is used to access the Akashic Records?

    I cannot tell you what that might look like for you, so this answer will be based on my experiences as someone who has done many, many readings! I was taught using Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer method. This prayer constitutes specific words that allow me to gain access to my own records or to a client’s records. When working with a client, I need to use their full legal name, which indicates to the MTLO’s in the Records that they have given me permission to act as the “go-between”. I know this is not the only means to access the records but it is the one that works the best for me! Sometimes people will ask how I know I am in the Records and the only way I can really describe it is to say that I feel a “vibration” in the back of my head that usually stays where my spine and head connect and goes upwards to the Crown. You know how when you hum you feel it in the very back of your throat> Well, for me it is kind of like that! I always try to have a fairly quiet space to work in as it is somewhat like meditating, but I do attend Expo’s where I offer readings on site, and have done group settings too so it is not always the case to have a quiet space! It took me a while to learn to do this in a room full of people with other vibrational activity taking place, but I can do it with just a more intense focus on the Pathway Prayer. I will describe, or take note of, exactly what I am seeing when I enter the Records. Usually I feel like I am in an incredibly old library completely surrounded by books on shelves absolutely everywhere! The space is voluminous and difficult to comprehend the amount of space that I can “sense”, but as soon as the first question gets asked everything moves closer in towards me and I am focused only on getting that one piece of information so the rest becomes much like a blurry background in a movie. At that point, we are off and running so I begin o tell the client anything that occurs – from pictures to visualizations of places, events, or things that I hear, see or feel physically in my body. If we do not get a response or it seems a bit odd, we will ask further questions until we get the clarification that is needed! To show respect to the MTLO’s for their valuable service to me (or to my client) I try to set a timer so that I can close the records in the set amount of time. I close with the Pathway Prayer. #sheCARES #akashicrecords #pathwayprayer

  • Beautiful Bronzite!

    I remember the first time I saw Bronzite… I was absolutely smitten! I did not even know why I was so attracted to it – and in fact, the seller was not even sure what the stone was –he only recalled that he had it in his collection for a long time. I had not seen much of it available until recently when I came across some gorgeous cabochons and I had to get one that I am going to offer to you… so if this stone speaks to you when you read about it, be sure to let me know! So let’s start with the limited bit of “sciency” stuff that I know about this stone! Bronzite is the gemological term for Enstatite – it is more iron bearing then other stones in this family and is very commonly found in meteorites. This stone is a deep, rich brown colour and appearing under the surface of the stone is an amazing bronze chatoyancy after which it is named. (It is even more lovely in person than in photos!) This mineral can be found worldwide but the larger deposits come from Brazil, Czech Republic, Madagascar, Austria, and USA. Historically, the Romans treasured Bronzite, using it as protective amulets and decorative objects. Since Bronzite has some very strong metaphysical effects, it is important to know what stones to pair it with, so let’s look further at what Bronzite can do and what stones work well with it. Bronzite works with many of the Chakras, but especially with the Heart. This stone strongly encourages compassion and forgiveness, not only towards others but towards yourself as well. It is often referred to as the “stone of courtesy” because its energies encourage love, equality, and protection. Bronzite is very grounding and protective so can be readily used with the lower three chakras. It helps to restore balance and harmony to the mind-body-soul connections; it activates and strengthens your Root and Sacral chakras and will help you get back on track and focused on what’s most important to you. One of Bronzite’s most well-known properties is releasing self-doubt and encouraging you to have the courage to stand up for yourself and taking assertive action to get things done. Bronzite can help you stay grounded in situations that would commonly cause anxiety and distress. Bronzite also works incredibly well in situations when you feel indecisive and can help you make important decisions and plans. It really helps you focus on the future and see the positivity that exists. It serves as a reminder that you were given this life because you are strong enough to handle it, and this stone works with you by encouraging you to take action and work towards manifesting a bright future. This is about making progress… not making things perfect. After all, it is the through the imperfection that we learn most of life’s lessons. If you incorporate Bronzite into your meditation practices on a regular basis, you will be better for it. You will find it will enable you to come to a place of peace more quickly and it will assist you in releasing any negative thoughts and patterns that you may have. Use this stone to help you set your intentions – begin your meditation by holding this stone and bringing your awareness to your heart. On the inhale focus on the radiant light shining within your heart and soul, and on the exhale envision a release of any negativity you happen to be holding in that moment. Having it nearby serves as a mental prompt through the day to remind you of the commitment you have made to let go of negativity and to hold inner peace. Earlier I noted that it is important to know which crystals are best paired with Bronzite’s strengths so that you do not become overwhelmed. It is said that Bronzite has the ability to send negative/dark energy back to the original source, so it is important to use another stone, such as Black Tourmaline, to balance this effect so that an energetic loop is not created. Since it is a strong earth-based/practical crystal on its own, it can become even stronger when paired with high vibration stones such as Danburite, Sugilite, Black Kyanite or Angelite. Using Bronzite along with these stones will help pull these higher conscious energies down to an earthly focus so that these energies may be used for the good of everyone. When used with other strong heart stones such as Rhodonite or Rose Quartz, Bronzite can help release emotional wounds and diminish emotional scars leading to a brighter outlook and overall sense of well-being. Bronzite requires regular clearing which can be done though smudging. It can sometimes pick up unwanted energies, especially when bringing the higher conscious into the earthly realm, so this cleansing is important. It does some of its best work as a filter allowing you to receive the good while “holding” the bad! In the physical realm, Bronzite helps revitalize the nerves and cleanse the blood system. I have heard of others who use this stone to alleviate anxiety, depression and even reduce stress. In addition, it is thought to reduce the signs of aging! It has been used to treat allergies, and some skin issues as well. If you need any more reasons to have this beauty in your possession, remember that since Bronzite raises the vibrations around you, it will also remind you to keep moving forward even during times of financial adversity. It also teaches you universal “life” lessons which can assist you in understanding life cycles better, as well as provide a deeper connection to ancestors and spiritual helpers. Call on Bronzite to help you see that you can face the truth with courage and that hope is stronger than fear. This piece can be worn with either side facing and if you want to claim her, she is $42! #sheCares #crystalsrock

  • Part VI: What can I ask about in the Akashic Records?

    I often get asked this about the Records, and so, I do have say there are some “rules” I follow around Record Reading. The first is that I cannot read the Records of anyone under the age of 18. The other practice I have is to make sure the questions are client centered – meaning that a client can only ask about their circumstances, not those of others. Sometimes it is just a change in the wording of the question that needs to be made… and this is always done with the best interest of the recipient at heart. An example might be a client asking “Why does my spouse always disagree with me? (you can see the focus is on the spouse); and we can reword that question into something like “What can I do to minimize the disagreements I have with me spouse?” or “How can I try to see disagreements from their perspective without getting upset?” You are there to receive information about your soul’s path – not that of others! That said there are times we might want to learn about something different, and since we know that pets, and places have Akashic Records, you can access these records by asking for permission/consent first! Besides that, reading the Akashic Records is much like reading a book! One of the best things about the Records is that you can use them as a resource at any time and ask about anything… heck, you can even access your records and NOT ask anything – just sit in the comfort of your MTLO’s and see what comes up for you. The MTLO’s do like when clients come with specific questions in mind and it’s quite important those questions are open-ended – in other words, skip the yes/no questions and get to the good stuff that is soul changing! Go for the How, Why, What questions and you will be good to go! I have a list of commonly asked questions that I an provide for clients who are stuck – but be honest, when you are booking a session, you must know something is up and have some specific questions on your mind! Remember there is a LOT of information coming at you during a session and knowing what you want to ask beforehand is helpful so that you do not feel overwhelmed during your session and can stay on track with what you truly want to know! I know when I do a reading for a client, I mostly do not recall what was asked or what information was shared. (I am more the conduit and not the receiver.) In this case it is really important that you know what you are asking and can make notes during your session so that you stay grounded, control the information flow and have notes you can refer back to to jog you memory! #sheCARES #akashicrecords

  • Rhodochrosite

    Rhodochrosite is a manganese-based crystal which varies in colour from pinky-red to shades of pink, depending on the chemical composition. Originally found in deposits in the silver mines of Romania it is a beautiful stone where banded forms are mined in Capillitas, Argentina. More recently this has become Argentina's national gemstone and is also Colorado’s state mineral in 2002. You may sometimes find this stone under other names including "Rosa del Inca", "Inca Rose" indicating they came from the Incan Silver Mines. Legend tell us that these pink crystals were formed from the blood of the Incan kings and queens that then turned to stone. This crystal is also found in Montana (USA), South Africa, Peru, Russia, Spain, China, Japan, and Mexico. A unique looking stone, Rhodochrosite has a strong heart-based energy, and is an amazing stone to support and heal the emotions. Its powerful energy is connected to the heart chakra – it simply vibrates with the energy of love. Unlike many other crystals dealing with the heart, this love energy is directed towards the owner/holder’s heart. My experience in using and wearing Rhodochrosite brings me to believe that the energy of this stone is extremely healing, and others have expressed to me that this is especially true if you are working on your self esteem. This stone is amazing to work with and it hits the soul through the heart on many levels. This is a stone of pure, unconditional love. It is one of the softest love stones and it resonates very deeply with the inner child who needs healing and to be cared for. Because of this inner-child connection, it helps us to reclaim joy and playfulness, increase our creativity and assist in bringing forward any talents that may have lain dormant since childhood. It shows us how to move past old hurts and learn to forgive ourselves. If you are struggling with mistrust, or find you are jealous, the powerful vibration of this crystal encourages you to expand your mind so that you are able to release the negative energies of these emotions and bring forth feelings of love. This stone can also promote taking action through love - not only does this stone attract love but it also helps you find and maintain a positive attitude, helping you express love. Along with all those beautiful facets, this crystal can help you physically as well. Rhodochrosite calms and rebalances the nervous system, increasing feelings of relaxation, thereby helping you cope with stress in your daily any time you find yourself caught up with negative thoughts, taking a bath with this stone can be immensely helpful. Allow your body to absorb its healing vibrations as you focus on releasing heavy emotions. It is thought to energize the pancreas, spleen and kidney, and aid in repairing vision. It is known to relieve migraines and help clear up infections. Keeping Rhodochrosite in the bedroom can also help with being more open to sexual intimacy. The pendant shown here has beautiful colour and lines with a couple of tiny vugs (cavities) on the front and the back and it is for sale! It is approximately 3.3 cm x 2.4 cm, has a sterling silver bail and comes with a braided black cotton cord for wearing! $39 Contact me if this pretty piece calls to you! #sheCARES #crystalsrock #rhodocrosite

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